The 12th Arryman Symposium hosted by IFAR Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta, 25 July 2024

At the side event of the 12th Arryman Symposium held by IFAR Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta.

ISRSF announces newly Arryman Scholarship recipients 2024. They are Alifia (not seen in the picture) Zehan, Christian, and Milha. They will study Economics and Policy at SOAS University of London. Con...

Congratulations to Dr. Rahardhika Utama for being awarded the Theda Skocpol Best Dissertation Award on comparative and historical sociology by the American Sociological Association.


Dr. Yoes Kenawas: Pioneering Research on Political Dynasties in Indonesia

Jakarta, April 29, 2024- The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (ISRSF) is proud to announce the successful dissertation defense of Dr. Yoes Kenawas, who presented his groundbreaki...

Dr. Wara Urwasi's Dissertation Successfully Defended with Honors

Jakarta, April 17, 2023 - The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (ISRSF) extends heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Wara Urwasi for the successful defense of her dissertation in soci...

ISRSF dan UIII Resmi Menandatangani MoU dan Perjanjian Kerja Sama Pendirian IFAR

Pada tanggal 14 Desember 2022, acara penandatangan MOU dan PKS bersama Rektor , Universitas Islam International Indonesia (UIII), Prof. Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat dan Chairman ISRSF, Irfan Hutagalung...

Perjanjian kerjasama pembentukan IFAR Atma Jaya

Pada tanggal 2 Februari 2022, Universitas Katolik Indonesia (Universitas Atma Jaya) Atma Jaya dengan dukungan ISRSF meluncurkan Institute for Advanced Research (IFAR) Atma Jaya. Dalam foto tersebut, R...

Arryman Scholars Provide Academic Support for Institutes for Advanced Research

IFAR adalah Konsorsium jaringan mitra universitas yang didirikan oleh ISRSF pada Desember 2021. IFAR terdiri dari universitas anggota yang telah mendirikan Institute for Advanced Research di kampus mereka.

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