IFAR Monash University, Indonesia (IFAR MI) Strengthens Its Development Strategy

Jakarta, September 18, 2024IFAR Monash University Indonesia (IFAR MI), a member of the IFAR Consortium, is reaffirming its commitment to fostering a research-driven environment that empowers Indonesian scholars. The IFAR Consortium, established by the Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (ISRSF), aims to support emerging research-oriented universities across the country, where Indonesian academics and researchers can thrive.

In a recent meeting, representatives from ISRSF and Monash University Indonesia discussed strategic plans to further develop IFAR MI, which plays a pivotal role in promoting research and producing high-quality publications. The meeting was attended by Professor Matthew Nicholson, President and Pro Vice-Chancellor of Monash University Indonesia; Irfan R Hutagalung, SH, LLM, Chairman of ISRSF; and Ana Saleh, Program and Communications Director of ISRSF and Secretary of ISRSF’s Board of Directors.

The discussion cantered on how IFAR MI can enhance its capacity as a research university and contribute to Indonesia’s academic landscape. IFAR MI is poised to support innovative research initiatives and academic symposia that elevate the voices and impact of Indonesian researchers on the global stage through their publications.

IFAR MI emphasized the vision of cultivating a new generation of world-class Indonesian scholars who actively engage in international academic discourse.