UIII Exploring Strategies to Develop IFAR UIII

Jakarta, August 26, 2024 – The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (ISRSF) and the Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII) met to discuss strategies for the university’s Institute for Advanced Research (IFAR).  UIII is one of four university partners in the IFAR Consortium.

The primary goal of IFAR UIII is to support research and global-quality publications in the social sciences and public policy at the university.

The meeting was attended by UIII’s rector, Prof. Jamhari, PhD; Vice-Rector for Research, Cooperation, and Community Engagement, Dr. Phil. Syafiq Hasyim; Dr. Philips Vermonte, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences; and IFAR Researcher Gde Dwitya Arief Metera, PhD.

Representing ISRSF were the Chairman, Irfan R Hutagalung, SH, LLM, and the Program and Communications Director, Ana Saleh, who is also Secretary of ISRSF’s Board of Directors.

UIII emphasized the important role IFAR can play as the school develops its capacities as a research university.  UIII aspires to cultivate a new, dynamic group of world-class Indonesian researchers and academics who contribute to global debates through their publications.

A central theme in the discussions was how IFAR UIII can support innovative research through grants, engage in knowledge creation, and organize symposia aimed at elevating the voices and impact of Indonesian scholars.