
(monograph) Cultivating Power: Botany, Agriculture, and Colonial Expansion in Netherlands East Indies

Year :Upcoming-Circa 2025
Additional Info : The manuscript is currently under review by Cornell University Press


(Book chapter) “Resistance with Style: Politics of Dress and Anticolonialism in Netherlands East Indies, 1890-1920,” in Refashioning Identities: The Politics of Dress in Southeast Asia, edited by Pattaratorn Chirapravati and Matthew Reeder (NUS).

Year : Upcoming circa 2025
Additional Info : The manuscript is now under editing process by the editors. The book project is under contract with NUS Press and River Books


(Edited volume) Rising Above the Tide: Good Governance, Marine Ecosystems, and Strategies to Mitigate the Sinking of Jakarta

Year : Upcoming-Circa end of 2024 or early 2025
Additional Info : Playing a role as one of the editors. This book project is under contract with Springer Nature


Aktivisme Digital di Indonesia

Additional Info : Penelitian ini dibiayai oleg TIFA Foundation. Penulis lain dalam publikasi ini adalah Dr. Muhammad Fajar, Yoes Kenawas, dan Aulia Nastiti


Cultivating Power: Buitenzorg Botanic Garden and Empire Building in the Netherlands East Indies, 1745-1917

Additional info : Winner of Harold Perkin Prize for Best Dissertation in the Department of History (for the year 2019-2020)